Thursday, February 19, 2009

Suicide Cereal! and Shoe Fanatic

Kaden loves shoes, but only the ones he can put on by himself. So he puts on all of our shoes but mostly Traver's Crocs and only one. So on any given day he will shuffle around for hours with just one shoe on his right foot.

Traver loves to have cereal for breakfast. For the longest time he would have two different kinds of cereal. He has now gone to a complete suicide cereal. He will have every kind of cereal open in the cupboard. Honey Nut Cherrios, Apple Cinnimon Cherrios, Kix, Rice Krispies, Raisin Bran, and Fruity Cherrios. It is quite humerous.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Grandma Park's Green Pie

OK, so yesterday we finished eating dinner and
Traver gets up, is in the fridge and looking for green
pie. We kept telling him that there was no pie in
the fridge. We finally convinced him that there was
no pie in there and that he would have to call Grandma
for pie. So he called her and told her he wanted a green pie.
I have no idea where the green came from except that
he is very much into Incredible Hulk (which he calls
Incredible Honk) and as of late everything has to be
green. As it turns out Grandma complied with the
request and the boys had mini green pies for dessert
tonight. You can't really tell in the pictures but it was
definately green pie.
What a great grandma! Thanks a bunch grandma!

Thanks Grandma Matravers

What is it with dressing up your little brother?

Do sisters ever get tired of dressing up
their little brothers? I would say that
we desperately need a little girl in our house, but
I don't think that would help. I remember
doing this to my little brother, David. And
I had 5 younger sisters.
Traver doesn't seem to mind it much!

Kaden escaped the torture this time around!

Yeah! Cousins

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

Traver absolutely loves to celebrate Birthdays.
He has to help everyone blow out their candles
and usually sticks his fingers in the cake. Kaden
just wants a piece of it.